Tag Archives: Women


Very often it is seen that at every occasion, our inbox are flooded with messages and make us feel happy and special. Moreover it’s a good way to keep in touch with everyone even with whom we are not contacted for a long time.

Besides on this women ‘day I found my inbox flooded. Having read all the messages, I felt proud to be a woman but sometimes it shoots in my mind , the wishes and regards are received through messages, is given to woman.

In spite of knowing by everyone, women are pivotal of the world then why they are humiliated.

Seeing the increasing rate of rape cases in our society, it seems false getting messages for the regard of women because by whom we get meaningful and decent messages, by them we are often violated.

When a woman is haunted of rape, Not only she is being physically raped but mentally also she is being violated. Even when they raise their voice against it then many offensive questions are faced and are tried to repress their emotions. If their external appearance become the cause of it then why women are withsaree are not safe. Even small girls are repressed at a very initial stage of her life that becomes horrifying for them. Besides them their family members are also besieged with many question of society and their emotions are raped at each and every step. Even few cases are telecasted and publicized by media, are become a theme to make a movie by directors.

In addition to girls, boys are also assaulted. Sometimes our friends and relatives take advantage of our faith whatever we have in them.

If a woman is not regarded and not having assurance of her safety then why we celebrate women ‘day and daughter ‘day and why we send messages to each other

I think that it’s only a fashion to send messages, videos, chatting with each other  and we are addicted to.

If no action would be taken against it earlier, in every moment a woman, a girl will succumb.

By: Shweta jain