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When you go through your life, you meet a variety of people and want to make relation with them. They may be your friend, your colleagues, your neighbours or family members. We are successful to maintain healthy relationship  with only some people because of their good behaviour and kindness. However some people are selfish and use their relatives  only for their advantage. Sometimes in spite of having blood relation, we are failing to maintain them for a long life because of having  more expectations with each other and try to run away from their responsibilities. When they are failing to fulfil, it occurs differences in their relations and  it hurts very much. Nowadays people like to spend more time with friends and colleagues than family members because they feel more comfortable than family members.

Moreover if you want to have a healthy relation with family members, you should be open-hearted and try to ignore small mistakes. It  may create bitterness in your relation. This is my personal experience how a silly mistake can spoil your relationship.

I and my aunty who was just like a mother for me, were very close to each other. I usually  went to meet with her and always  used to give gifts to her. Once when I went to meet with her, I did not get anything from her,even forgot to get a box of sweets. That day She behaved with me in a very awkward way but I could not understand the reason. I tried to ask but she did not give me any response. After that she tried to ignore me many times but I failed to know the reason every time. Once I was shocked when she did not invite me in her daughter’s marriage. I said to  her daughter ” Tell me the reason.” She reluctantly told me the stupid reason. I was surprized  and thought that peoples are fake and do not have value of their relationship. Since that day our relation had been spoiled because of such a silly reason.

Relations should not be bound with anything except love, trust and friendship.


By: Shweta Jain





A person, either your friend or a relative with whom you feel at ease, may often harm you if you have blind faith in them. Despite of behaving sweetly with you, they may back bite about you.

I would like to share my personal experience with you. I was recruited as an English teacher in a school. The very first day, I had to take my first lecture of grammar in 8th standard in front of the coordinator. I was very nervous but one of the teachers encouraged and supported me. I felt very glad when she appreciated my teaching skills in the PTA meeting and after that they appointed me for higher standards also. I achieved a good reputation in the school. I used to feel comfortable with her and had trusted in her. We even used to share our personal matters and always supported each other in our tough time.

One day when I heard her back biting about me, I was bewildered and could not believe on my ears. The very next day when we were discussing regarding the exam papers, she praised me. I thought that what I heard yesterday could have been my misapprehension. Before the final examination, we had a meeting with management and I was stunned to hear that I had been given a bad rating. They questioned on my teaching capability and I was demoted. I felt humiliated and coveted the reason for the matter. When I knew that the teacher, who used to act good in front of me would make changes in my notes that I had to submit to the coordinator every month. She would also instigate the management against me and made me a fool. I was ensnared by her fake behaviour.

Trust people but with open eyes and do not let them interrupt in your life. Take advice from them but take your decisions yourself.

 By:  Shweta Jain



Although parents want to fulfil each and every desire of their children and give them a luxurious life but due to their hectic schedule, they do not spend quality time with their children. Their negligence may throw them into danger.

My friends’ 10 year old son was studying in 5th standard. Despite of his parents being working, they spent time with their child. They lived in Mumbai at Church Gate. In the summer vacation his mom planned to go to his uncle’ house who lived in Mumbai at Mira road. He was very happy and started packing his bags. The very next day his uncle came to pick them up. One day his uncle convinced him to sleep with him and he agreed. In the midnight his uncle tried to assault with him. He screamed out with pain but nobody could hear his voice and his uncle threatened him to be silent. In spite of being threatened by his uncle, he reluctantly said to his mom, “Uncle tortured me last night.” His mom shouted at him and said to him, “How dare you use these rubbish words for your uncle?” He became very depressed and made a call to his father but he failed to tell him because his father said, “I have no time for your stupidity.” He was very frightened and told his mom to return home but she said, “No! We will go back in two –three days.” One day, his uncle persuaded him to sleep with him and again assaulted his nephew. He was very frightened and was bearing both, mental and physical pain but nobody could understand his condition. After two – three days they returned home and he tried to gather himself but after 15 days his uncle came at their place to stay for a night. He was scared and said to his mom,” Please let uncle go back to his home. She was shocked to hear this and gave him a tight slap on his face and told him go. The next day when he went to school, his teacher dialled to his mom and said, “He is behaving awkwardly since morning.” His mom realized that for a long time he wanted to tell her something but she didn’t listen to him. As soon as he reached home, his mom asked him, “What is happening with you? He told that his uncle tortures him many times and always threatened him to be quite. He said “I tried to tell you but you did not believe on me” and then she regretted and cursed herself for not believing on her son. She even broke her relation with her brother. She consulted a doctor to get him out from his trauma.


 By: Shweta Jain