Tag Archives: Success


Inferiority is not being to compete a given activity however it’s a feeling that arise in people mind and create anxiety or can be said that it’s a conflict between mind and our heart.

Few symptoms are seen in people who feel inferior…….

People have very hypocritical behaviour as angry, cranky and very mischievous especially these symptoms are seen in small kids. In elders they r found out  very talkative and tried to expose their qualities.

It’s a very common sign of those people that they blame others for their failure. For example if a kid gets less marks in exam, definitely will blame to teacher or the environment that he/she had in examination hall. It indicates that they r defident and anyhow to finish the topic. Moreover the most major aspect is when parents support them.

They try to away from society because they do not want hear anything  positive about others and don’t want to learn any good lesson. Moreover they consider themselves over smart and believer no one is as intelligent as they are hence they avoid to speak publicly because they know that anything will create an embarrassing demonstration of their in eptitude.

People who have inferiority complex like to win anything but avoid the situation because of being defident.

People can g et over from this situation by using few tips……

Trust in you and celebrate even ur small achievement. It will help to build their confidence even parents or elders should support them and encourage them to go ahead.

They should divert their mind towards any hobby whatever they like to do very much as listening music, drawing e.t.c. It will bring a drastic change in their behavior.

This is a very common problem but if at right time we don’t get over this situation, spoil our life.

By : Shweta jain







Often it is seen that if we are fail, we make excuses or blame others for our failure and never try to think the solution that ‘why again and again we fail to obtain anything.

If really we want to get success, we have to take all the responsibility of our failure, have to check out the mistake is made and work out to solve it.

It’s a very simple example …………..whenever we sharp a pencil and if it doesn’t sharp properly then quality of pencil or sharpener is blamed and is taken other pencil or sharpener and again same problem is faced because we have not noticed our mistake yet.

Furthermore many difficulties are faced in our life, sometimes they seem tough or we make them tougher…….just stop and think.

I think that they are made tougher because again and again situations are tried to be changed that are impossible in many cases.

Simple example …………..If we live in a very small house with joint family and a kid of that family doesn’t score good marks and blame to his/her family and small house. Just think is his/ her family or house is responsible. No, because since childhood he/she was living in same house with his/ her family…….Reason didn’t work according to that.

It’s always seen that failure always try to change the situation instead of changing ourselves that ‘why they are failing to achieve their wish.

We have to choose our own way to go ahead.

Don’t waste our time to make excuses, make changes in ourselves and see the difference in your life because a silly change can bring a drastic change in your life.

By: Shweta Jain


In hordes of people, few people get success but few only struggle in their life despite of striving hard. The question always pesters us when we don’t achieve our aim. Hence we start turning towards other direction.

To be successful although we make many changes at our working place or at our home even many people do fasting also but don’t get maximum result. It becomes a cause of big disappointment and consider ourselves loser.

I also wanted to reveal this mystery so one day I visited an enormous and beautifully carved temple with many idols in it for fulfilling my wishes. As soon as I reached, I enthralled seeing its carving but when I proceeded towards a hall where all idols were established, I bewildered to see that every people are rushing towards idols instead of seeing the beauty of carved marbles that was enhancing its beauty.

Hence I stood in front of the idol and begged for fulfilling my wishes and heard a voice. Having heard the voice, I conjectured and looked around the hall and that all the marbles which was embedded in the wall, were asking the idol that we are more attractive than you then why people are attracting to you?

The idols guffawed at their words and said,” How silly question you asked”! The marbles giggled and again asked the reason. They stated that we overcome all the obstacles with courage and go ahead in my life.

The marble asked what is meant by you.

They said,” we were smitten many times giving perfect shape of each and every part.” The marbles said,” We are also smitten then the idols said,” we agree but you stumble many times in your life and change your path. However we overcome all the hurdles unless we don’t attain success.

The marbles agreed and said,” That ‘why you always sparkle and are regarded by the people.”

I came to know that our determination, courage and confidence are only needed to achieve anything in our life that is hidden in us. However we are failing to lighten up and slip with a slight jerk.

Thus we consider others of the reason of our failure and visit many fortune tellers. However besides having many problems, we ensnare of them. Hence fear and depression take place in us.

Our determination and courage can strengthen us and make our life easier.

By: Shweta Jain