Tag Archives: Relation



One day in the evening I was sitting in my room with crossed legs and reading a book. While reading as soon as I took a sip of tea and glanced on the main wall of the room, I mesmerized to see the bright colours of the wall paper. Hence I felt glad because the wall paper was enhancing my room’ beauty. I therefore stopped reading and started gazing the wall.

After sometimes having seen a colony of ants climbing on the wall, I was alarmed. Hence promptly I rushed to the wall and removed all the ants.  Again I sat on my chair, took the book and  started reading but after sometimes again I looked on the wall, I perplexed to see climbing numerous on the wall. In a few moments they had been gathered at the corner of the wall that was diminishing the brightness of the wall.


I therefore determined to know the reason that’why I sat patiently in front of the wall with a cup of tea and started looking the ants. Hence I was bewildered to see the activity of the ants. How were they collecting  at the corner of the wall? I baffled because  with the blink of my eyes all were vanished. However when I saw few ants to go near a line then I stood up and found a crack. Seeing the crack on the wall although I felt gloomy but I found the reason and thought that all the ants must have gone in it.

The very next day I called a plumber to fill the crack; he filled the crack properly and made the crack smooth. However after few days again it was being appeared, the plumber again tried to fill it but could not give back its original smoothness and shape because ants had taken place and spoiling the beauty of the wall. After few days i saw many holes on the wall anf from them others small insects were also going in it.

I therefore wondered  because in our real life same thing happens and  a minor crack spoils  the root of any relation and give chance others to take place in it.

Moreover do not let anyone to come between you because they create misunderstanding for you and try to fill the crack with cleverness only for them. However it becomes wider for you. Hence it can never be filled even with your love and trust.

By: Shweta Jain