Tag Archives: Proper time management



Time is precious because anything can be manufactured but if time passes, it cannot be regained.You should ask those people who have lost many things due to paucity of time. A student gets a failing result; a dying person needs only few moments to spend with his/her near and dear ones; a mother who delivers a premature baby. You should respect it; it can only make your life path easier. Whether you are a successful doctor, engineer or industrialist but you can only get 24 hours in a day not more than that. Proper time management makes you either successful or failure. People are successful not only due to their money power but also due to their time management. Those people who spend their time leisurely or adjourn their important moments, often go in trouble or sometimes go in danger of poverty. You should plan your daily schedule according to your priority of work. Sometimes despite of planning your work according to time, you fail to execute because suddenly you get any problem. You should get time for your family members from your daily schedule because you can  strengthen your relation by spending  quality time with them. Whenever you are spending time with anyone, you are giving them a part of your life.


Sometimes people besiege with lots of health problems because they often ignore them at a very initial stage. They are diagnosed when their body is captured by them. Moreover it is very common among everyone that we all ignore our important moments. I have also faced many problems due to lack of time;

After publishing my last blog, the very next day I planned to write my next blog but postponed it for a day and thought tomorrow I would write two but failed. The very next day I got sick with stomach infection and fever and could not write. I took two days to recover and then felt regret. This is a small incident that I faced recently.

Often we lose small incident because of no proper time management and feel regret.

By: Shweta Jain