Tag Archives: Nature



One day when I peeped out from my window and saw that many people with a plate that was covered with a colourful cloth, were going towards a banyan tree, its branches were spreading over a wall of building. Hence I was perplexed to see the scene and thought that the tree must have had all virtues that’s why it is being worshipped.

Moreover at noon time I saw the area was crowded because they must have taken cooling effect under it. Few people were plucking its leaves and branches that must have been used for medical treatment. Thus I thought that a tree is more useful then I should also go to worship it .Therefore the very next day I also went to the tree with a plate in my hand to worship the tree. As soon as I reached near by the tree, I saw that many people were worshiping and I also tried to emulate that was being done. After that I sat for few hours under the tree and it was nice to have cooling effect under it then suddenly and I was shocked to have a glance of its roots and wide cracks on the wall. I thought that due to its roots must have gone into depth of building that’s why the wall is looking cracked.

Furthermore I came back to home with depressing mood and thought in spite of having all the virtues its roots can be dangerous because due to its roots the wall might be fall down.

Hence I thought that a person also has some good qualities as well as some bad qualities then why don’t we comfortable with his/her bad habits and qualities and despite of having all good why we give up a person because of his/her bad habits and qualities.

I came to know nothing is in the world that has all good qualities in it and it’s depending on our illusion how we handle and accept a thing or person.


If we don’t focus its bad quality and find the good qualities they have then it can’t be harmful us.

I came to know that we can lead a happy life to change our illusion.

By: Shweta Jain



After few years I realized that sometimes we do not free to share our secrets even with our close friends and relatives and always combat between our ego and jealousy. Hence we are failing to share our feelings.

Few years ago my best friend passed away and she left her each and everything behind her. I could not understand which gust of wind brought her away and I was standing like a statue.

Although I wanted to have a long chat and shared a lot of secrets with her but everything became seized along with her death and still I feel regret and hid all the feelings in my heart.

Whenever I sit with my cross legs, my eyes become wet to miss her fun-loving and cheerful nature and try to find out that gust of wind that had been brought her away.

Moreover  I still see to blow winds everywhere profusely, I think one day they will bring her back that’ why i started pleading them to bring her back. Thus they accepted my request and said to be her back earlier.

One day when I got up in the morning, I saw to shake everything in my home and thought that all the things are alarming me to come back her. However in a few moments everything had been stopped and in order to I became disheartened.

Furthermore one day i saw that the sky was covered with dust, having seen that scene I thought all the gust of wind were simultaneously went to sky and trying to find her.They were blowing at the top of their speed, the entire sky was looking hazy an d trying to help them. Hence the doors of my home were being knocked by them. Thus I opened the main gate and found few particles of dust that were appearing foot prints. I therefore thought that she has come and started to search in the home but in a few moments everything had been washed out.

It appeared that she was playing hide and seek with me because many times wind came and left few particles at my home. At the indication on her arrival my heart was full of emotions and I used to think to share each and everything whatever i hid in my heart.

Although I anxiously waited for her but she could not come back and they still interminably are blowing. I still think that they betrayed me and along with their betrayal I became disappointed and my all feelings were engraved in my heart.

By: Shweta Jain



Seeing the trees in the forest, a thought came in my mind whether they are living thing or non-living thing. If they are living thing, they should have soul in it like human being. In addition to I felt them to behave like people and thought that they must be living thing.

In order to i saw them to smile when a gust of wind was going through them besides they were also sleeping when their leaves were looking stagnant and the environment was appearing peaceful. Besides they also were showing their emotions by changing their colours according to their mood. Hence they were looking in anger when their colour was turning into red because of bright sun rays was falling on them. As well as in the morning they seem refreshing and their eyes were twinkling and looking bright with  dark green colour. It seems that as they just woke up and are getting ready for their daily schedule.


On the other hand i thought that  they must have felt all the season; thus it appeared that in summer season  their beauty were   vanishing as  they were turning into yellow colour. They must have felt  thirsty too and was looking in sorrow to see their appearance . They  therefore desperately were  waiting  for rain as they can remove their thirst and get back the beauty. Therefore They danced happily and felt relaxed  to have a drop of water in the rainy season.

Although in their entire life they spread their fragrance in different ways and do all the activities like human being but in which part their soul alive?

After a long time I saw  that the forest were appearing deserted because all the trees were died due to natural disaster. Hence all the trees were falling down like dead bodies and the place seems like cemetery. Nevertheless I saw all the leaves were flying and collecting aside and their trunk were taking away ,using as wood.  I saw to disappear their beauty and  liveliness .It was very emotional because no dear and near had been left for mourning.


I saw that some people was loading all the leaves in a truck and bringing them away and were thrown in a field as they can give life to others. Hence in a few days the field  had been flourished with new plants because their virtues were inculcated into soil.

Now I came to know that all the trees’ soul is alive as their leaves because  after their death they gave life others. Hence despite of suffering from sorrow, they are always alive because of their virtues.

Like the leaves People can be remembered and alive in our heart because of their nobility and decency .

By:Shweta Jain



It was a very cold morning. As soon as I opened my window, it seemed all the things, were looking disappointed as their liveliness had been vanished among the clouds. Even all the trees and shrubs appeared faded and looked colourless because they were shivering and dying from cold. Hence they were waiting desperately for a ray of hope that could fill colours in their life and enlighten their life path. After a long time although a gust of wind came and carried away all the clouds along with it but could not give them life. It removed the darkness but carried away the liveliness along with it. Therefore in a few minutes all the trees turned into sorrow because their leaves had fallen down and were spread everywhere. They wanted to get their beauty back but were felt helpless. Now the tree trunks were feeling lonely and looking depressed because everything had been spoiled in a moment. The water dews, falling on the leaves and trunks were appearing like their tears because they had been departed from each other. Although they were surrounded with sorrow but did not lose their courage and they were trying to console each other.


After a long time as soon as the sun rose up with its sparkling rays, they all got happy to see a ray of light that could illuminate their life and could help them to regenerate. It appeared that the rays were giving them a hug and guiding them to remove the darkness from their lives. The tree trunks that were desperately waiting to have a new life, were filled with hope and were trying to fill colours in their life. The scene was looking charming and giving me soothing effect because they all had got a new life.


Like nature people’s lives are also surrounded with sorrow which spoils their life but a ray of light and hope can remove dense darkness and enlighten their life. Thus if you are strong to face each and every problem, you can get your liveliness back and brighten your life.

By: Shweta Jain