Tag Archives: modern culture



Since the movement is spread out to eliminate inequality between males and females by the Government. Youngsters as referred to adolescents, want to assert their individuality, give values to their peers and try to run away from the pressure of their parents as well as elders. At this sophisticate age they feel restlessness in them due to the strict behaviour of their parents or to have the physical changes. In this situation they easily mesmerize towards everything that surround them as: fashion, alcoholic drugs etc. They seek a group or companion with whom they want to feel at ease and they especially attract to opposite gender. If they have understanding with each other that may help them to efface their problems but if they attract to only physical appearance, it may ruin their life. Our culture and ethics are disappearing from the society and modern culture is easily taking place due to powerful media. Even traditional outfits and accessories are diminishing and people love to wear western outfits and feel happy to be known as modern. Those who are not ready to accept this culture are symbolized as backward.


Even during school life some are allured to this culture and readily across their limits but some are provoked by their friends. School children are often being seen having drugs and smoking and instigate in fake affair that may be spoiling their life.

A girl named Meera, was scholar in studies. She spoiled her life and career to be slaved of the modern culture. At the age of 16 she had an affair with a boy and she often used to make physical relation with the boy and started taking drugs. In the beginning she was happy with this dazzling lifestyle. After some times when the boy gets her out from his life, she had to lead a life as a victim.


It may be good to make changes in your life if you need to update yourselves to accept modern culture but often it may bring bad result if you adhere to it and be slaved. At this situation people often turn astray to build a relation with a fake person or get addicted to alcoholic drugs.


By : Shweta Jain