Tag Archives: Loneliness


It is very common that we meet many people in our life journey as a friend, relative and colleagues thus every person plays an important role in our life.

I visited many places and met many people and found that some people don’t want to mingle with others and they mesmerize with their luxurious life.

Few days back i met with a girl in a wedding party and when everybody was enjoying,she was sitting alone.Thus i went to her to talk with her and said,” Hi!

She said to me very bluntly,” Do you want any thing from me”?

I said,”No.”

She said to me,”Why did you come here?”

I told her that since we gathered here for wedding she  were never be seen to mingle up with people.

She laughed loudly at me and said,”Who told me that she had always been seen alone.

She showed me her very expensive gadgets and said,”these are my friends and do you know that how many friends in my friend list on facebook and what’s app and she always engross with them.

I said,”Ok but do you meet them personally and do you even share few moments of happiness and sorrow with them?She said to me,” Yes,i always chat with them whenever i feel sad or happy.

I said,”i am agree with you but whenever we are happy we need a person to hug and whenever we are sad we need a shoulder to sympathize us and can you hug if it is needed for you.

She looked in anvery awkward manner and said ,” These all people who are here, are strangers for me and are not of my type.

I said,”What is your type”?  The girl who never value the people who are surround her and are very arrogant.

She shouted at me and said,”what do you mean? I said in a very polite manner that i also have thousands of friends in my friend list on facebook and what’app and they are also important for me but i always enjoy with those people with whom i am surrounded because we can chat any time with our facebook and what’app friends. I think so that we are here to enjoy the wedding.

very often people are seen engrossing with their gadgets in a function to make themselves stylish but as per my opinion in stead of looking stylish they look fool and miss happy moments.

Give importance to each and every person and see how your life bloom!

Even a flower or an animal always be happy with whom they are surrounded.

By: Shweta Jain