Tag Archives: Darkness



It was a very cold morning. As soon as I opened my window, it seemed all the things, were looking disappointed as their liveliness had been vanished among the clouds. Even all the trees and shrubs appeared faded and looked colourless because they were shivering and dying from cold. Hence they were waiting desperately for a ray of hope that could fill colours in their life and enlighten their life path. After a long time although a gust of wind came and carried away all the clouds along with it but could not give them life. It removed the darkness but carried away the liveliness along with it. Therefore in a few minutes all the trees turned into sorrow because their leaves had fallen down and were spread everywhere. They wanted to get their beauty back but were felt helpless. Now the tree trunks were feeling lonely and looking depressed because everything had been spoiled in a moment. The water dews, falling on the leaves and trunks were appearing like their tears because they had been departed from each other. Although they were surrounded with sorrow but did not lose their courage and they were trying to console each other.


After a long time as soon as the sun rose up with its sparkling rays, they all got happy to see a ray of light that could illuminate their life and could help them to regenerate. It appeared that the rays were giving them a hug and guiding them to remove the darkness from their lives. The tree trunks that were desperately waiting to have a new life, were filled with hope and were trying to fill colours in their life. The scene was looking charming and giving me soothing effect because they all had got a new life.


Like nature people’s lives are also surrounded with sorrow which spoils their life but a ray of light and hope can remove dense darkness and enlighten their life. Thus if you are strong to face each and every problem, you can get your liveliness back and brighten your life.

By: Shweta Jain