Tag Archives: Childhood



One day I was playing jigsaw puzzle with my son and in spite of being easier,  I took an hour to complete the puzzle however he took only fifteen minutes to make it. Hence I felt so embarrassed and thought how hastily he finished at a very early age !

I therefore reminded my childhood days, and started laughing to remember about  those days how we used to have fun doing such stupid activities as we used to laugh loudly, cry and fight with each other for silly things. Sometimes those became a cause of embarrassment; however I neglected it and used to have fun. I never forget to celebrate even silly events. Moreover I easily could have crossed a long and tough path happily and never felt hesitate to climb on high walls.


However we grow up, our nuisance activities are engraved in us because we are besieged with lots of responsibilities and lots of tensions take place in our life. In order to our life are scattered like jigsaw puzzle but never success to connect them in spite of lying few pieces in front of us because we forget to have fun. Although  everybody has a child in it but never appeared because it is covered with many layers.

Moreover we all are hunted of such a stupid sickness that what will others think about us? Before doing anything, we always think that how they will react on our activity even for wearing dresses, for eating and for such small things. Furthermore among all those stupidity our childhood is killed and gradually we forget reality of our life and it is become a part of our life.

After travelled our life journey when we take a step in our old age, we felt gloomy to see all the scatter pieces of puzzle those could not connect due to responsibilities. At that moment we want to join them but because of our old age we do not able to pick them up.

We come to know that we lived our life in our childhood happily in order to in other phase of the life we only picked the pieces but could not join them.

Hence pamper yourself and live your life happily and never kill your childish behaviour because in it our entire life is hidden. Moreover to whom we find in our entire life and search the way to achieve something in our life that is done easily in our childhood.

By: Shweta Jain