Category Archives: SUCCESS


Often it is seen that if we are fail, we make excuses or blame others for our failure and never try to think the solution that ‘why again and again we fail to obtain anything.

If really we want to get success, we have to take all the responsibility of our failure, have to check out the mistake is made and work out to solve it.

It’s a very simple example …………..whenever we sharp a pencil and if it doesn’t sharp properly then quality of pencil or sharpener is blamed and is taken other pencil or sharpener and again same problem is faced because we have not noticed our mistake yet.

Furthermore many difficulties are faced in our life, sometimes they seem tough or we make them tougher…….just stop and think.

I think that they are made tougher because again and again situations are tried to be changed that are impossible in many cases.

Simple example …………..If we live in a very small house with joint family and a kid of that family doesn’t score good marks and blame to his/her family and small house. Just think is his/ her family or house is responsible. No, because since childhood he/she was living in same house with his/ her family…….Reason didn’t work according to that.

It’s always seen that failure always try to change the situation instead of changing ourselves that ‘why they are failing to achieve their wish.

We have to choose our own way to go ahead.

Don’t waste our time to make excuses, make changes in ourselves and see the difference in your life because a silly change can bring a drastic change in your life.

By: Shweta Jain