Category Archives: School


Last month at open house few parents questioned on carrying heavy bags in school as children are suffering from shoulder pain as well as getting more tired. Even one parent complained regarding her daughter back pain and submitted the doctor prescription. Many of them suggested many ideas to face from the problem but was not agreed. Hence one parent suggested to introduce personal lockers in school as they can keep their extra things in it and can reduce the weight of bags.

Moreover everybody was agreed with the suggestion b’coz it will help to relief their pains that has become a common problem among students that effects on their posture as well as effects on their studies .

In addition to sometimes they forget to carry few books and those students who have not proper place at home due to living in small house but if lockers would be alloted,they can keep their few books in it.

Furthermore if their few books would be kept in school, they can be more attentive in class and try to finish their studies in school and can get more time for extra curricular activities that help to build their confidence.

At the last even management also agreed happily and promised to allot till the end of next month.