Category Archives: Motherhood


Since yesterday I am very depressed because I found the memory card in which my elder daughter ‘memories were captured, who had passed away 7 years ago. In spite of being at a very young age she became success in many fields and won many awards as well as she also made me feel proud. Since the moment her memories are hidden in  my heart but yesterday when i saw a glimpse of video , it seems, everything has been flashed back and i ‘m thinking that God sent her back because  her voice like MUMMY,MUMMY is echoing in my ears but when I turn up, she doesn’t see and the moments make me cry.

In the addition to I don’t know whether it’s my delusion or not but I want to live with this because I know when it breaks she ‘ll go away and now I don’t want to lose her.

By:Shweta Jain


A child works like a glue between both parents but few parents are separated because of misunderstanding anf few lose their life in mid of  life and child has to lead its life with one parent.

Moreover parents forget that on the birth of their child they celebrate their happiness and make many promises with their child to give him/her a happy, healthy and wealthy life. The parents become the first and good teacher for their child, today their decision is making their’s child life insecure.Although they know but don’t want to compromise.

This is not a question that the parent can’t give the child a happy life, he/she can but in spite of fulfilling his/her all wishes, is the child happy? No,because they can give only momentary happiness because parent can’t fill blank of other parent.

As well as the child it is very difficult for the parent also because he/she can’t give more time to his/her child because he/she has to go out for working that ‘why can’t give more attention on his/her all activities and the child has to depend on his/her grandparents if they are alive. Many parent send the child in a hostel not because of giving quality time but sometimes it gives adverse result.

Both parents can give their child happy and smooth life because if a mother can give more affection and love as well a father make them strong and learn them to face each and every problem easily.

The parents who take the decision of separation, should think about their child ‘future and remind all the promises which you have done with your child. I think that it may be help you to change your decision.

By: Shweta Jain



The day I remember when my friend ‘four years son was diagnosed with leukaemia that was on last stage, Thus she was anguished and stunned to hear this news. In order to her son’s childhood was repressed before blooming. However somehow she gathered herself ,prayed to God for his speedy recovery and admitted him in a hospital. At that situation she needed support, affection to cope with that situation. However as soon as people and her family members came to know the news; they started criticizing and questioning on her upbringing instead of giving support her.


Moreover her son was admitted till one month and one day when  I visited the hospital and saw she was dying hundred times within a day to see his terrible condition. Hence she looked like a cactus with lots of thrones that were pirecing her motherhood.Even all the patients  were there, looking as they needed the warmness of love to survive.

When he got discharged from the hospital after a month, his appearance was looking like a moon, covering with the clouds and had been disappeared his brightness. He hence had become feeble and appearing skinny due to side effects of chemotherapy.

However he was glad to come back at home and needed a playful environment to get out from this condition. On the other hand he was disheartened to get the negligence attitude by his near and dear ones. In order to people made him and his parents feel wretch and helpless but inspite of being at a very young age he faced the entire problem with courage.


Furthermore cancer has become a cause of big problem even some kids are born with this problem and at the very early age their innocence and smile are supressed. Whenever a person is diagnosed with cancer, his/her life stops and they start back counting of their life. Despite of being under treatment, they succumb with this terrible pain.

In order to a child or elder one suffers with this terrible pain, we can give their life back by giving them love, affection and support. Thus we change their environment and make them busy with audio visual laughing programme and in any creative work; those will help them to be cured. Thus happiness and love give them strength and to tolerate the horrible pain and their deserted life may become fertile.

Hence love and happiness is the key to open all the locks those help us to overcome all the walls. Here love is not meant by romance but love means to pamper, to make them feel important and to make them feel happy as they can forget their entire pain and lead the life happily.

By :Shweta Jain






Although since children’s birth time to their adulthood, parents take care of them. Their toddler activities from feeding to dropping at school make them feel comfortable because parents up bring them according to their wishes. As soon as children take step into a new age as a teenager, it becomes difficult to tackle them because they need more freedom. At this sophisticate age parents can convince them only in a friendly manner because their uncompromising   behaviour can create gap between them. Hence they are influenced by others. Parents should discuss daily schedule with their children and update themselves by reading magazine, surfing on internet according to time. Hence they can make changes in their children accordingly.

Moreover before reaching into their pubertal age, parents must let them know the physical changes whatever they will get. Between the age of 8th to 12th years children have a bunch of physical changes and create confusion in their mind. Although at each and every stage of their life children give importance to their looks, but at this age often adolescents give more attention on their appearance and want to wear funky outfits. Parents should purchase few decent dresses and focus on their looks that can make them smart and good looking. Teenagers suffer with acne problem that make them look ugly. Thus they feel embarrass to face their peers and their family members. At this stage parents should make them comfortable by giving them few beauty treatments. Furthermore at this delicate age they need some privacy. Though parents should not interrupt them but should focus on their activities and have trust in them. In some cases at very early age pubertal signs can be seen in children that make them feel conscious. At this young age parents especially mothers must clear their doubts by giving them proper explanation and make them aware. In addition to, much confusion is created in their mind to see the physical changes in their siblings and they are anxious to know. At this time parents can help them to get rid of their confusion by discussing with them regarding the difference between the male and female changes.

Due to being either working parents or spending time with their social circle, parents do not look after their children properly. Thus whether they leave their children alone at home or appoint a nanny for their upbringing. Sometimes at this situation children go into depression and try to harm themselves. Give children a friendly atmosphere at home and prevent them from going astray.

By: Shweta Jain




Although parents want to fulfil each and every desire of their children and give them a luxurious life but due to their hectic schedule, they do not spend quality time with their children. Their negligence may throw them into danger.

My friends’ 10 year old son was studying in 5th standard. Despite of his parents being working, they spent time with their child. They lived in Mumbai at Church Gate. In the summer vacation his mom planned to go to his uncle’ house who lived in Mumbai at Mira road. He was very happy and started packing his bags. The very next day his uncle came to pick them up. One day his uncle convinced him to sleep with him and he agreed. In the midnight his uncle tried to assault with him. He screamed out with pain but nobody could hear his voice and his uncle threatened him to be silent. In spite of being threatened by his uncle, he reluctantly said to his mom, “Uncle tortured me last night.” His mom shouted at him and said to him, “How dare you use these rubbish words for your uncle?” He became very depressed and made a call to his father but he failed to tell him because his father said, “I have no time for your stupidity.” He was very frightened and told his mom to return home but she said, “No! We will go back in two –three days.” One day, his uncle persuaded him to sleep with him and again assaulted his nephew. He was very frightened and was bearing both, mental and physical pain but nobody could understand his condition. After two – three days they returned home and he tried to gather himself but after 15 days his uncle came at their place to stay for a night. He was scared and said to his mom,” Please let uncle go back to his home. She was shocked to hear this and gave him a tight slap on his face and told him go. The next day when he went to school, his teacher dialled to his mom and said, “He is behaving awkwardly since morning.” His mom realized that for a long time he wanted to tell her something but she didn’t listen to him. As soon as he reached home, his mom asked him, “What is happening with you? He told that his uncle tortures him many times and always threatened him to be quite. He said “I tried to tell you but you did not believe on me” and then she regretted and cursed herself for not believing on her son. She even broke her relation with her brother. She consulted a doctor to get him out from his trauma.


 By: Shweta Jain