Category Archives: Life


Inferiority is not being to compete a given activity however it’s a feeling that arise in people mind and create anxiety or can be said that it’s a conflict between mind and our heart.

Few symptoms are seen in people who feel inferior…….

People have very hypocritical behaviour as angry, cranky and very mischievous especially these symptoms are seen in small kids. In elders they r found out  very talkative and tried to expose their qualities.

It’s a very common sign of those people that they blame others for their failure. For example if a kid gets less marks in exam, definitely will blame to teacher or the environment that he/she had in examination hall. It indicates that they r defident and anyhow to finish the topic. Moreover the most major aspect is when parents support them.

They try to away from society because they do not want hear anything  positive about others and don’t want to learn any good lesson. Moreover they consider themselves over smart and believer no one is as intelligent as they are hence they avoid to speak publicly because they know that anything will create an embarrassing demonstration of their in eptitude.

People who have inferiority complex like to win anything but avoid the situation because of being defident.

People can g et over from this situation by using few tips……

Trust in you and celebrate even ur small achievement. It will help to build their confidence even parents or elders should support them and encourage them to go ahead.

They should divert their mind towards any hobby whatever they like to do very much as listening music, drawing e.t.c. It will bring a drastic change in their behavior.

This is a very common problem but if at right time we don’t get over this situation, spoil our life.

By : Shweta jain







  • It is often seen that people curse themselves b’coz of having struggling life and think that if we would have had life others, we could have enjoyed our life. However it is upto them that how they take their life and how they face obstacles of their life? Hence if they take those hurdles like a challenge or lesson, they can become a cause of their success.

Among them few people find the solution to get out from the solution and few only complain………..

The people who find solution and ready to face each and every hurdle and choose the most difficult way to acquire success, they are successful b’coz hard word only can bring good and long lasting result.

The people who find  short cut ways to gain success that ways can give only temporary smile on their face that may stumble by a slight gust of weed and roam like a tumbleweed.

Hence don’t feel jealous from others life but focus on your life and try to smile on each and every situation b’coz your mental peace and calmness can help you to take right decision.

By: Shweta Jain


Sometimes it happens, when life takes turn and everything looks dark and feels very depressed. Nowadays I’m also facing the situation. One day I was very depressed and took my car and left for a long drive. Hence I stopped my car and ambled along the road and after some times i sat on a stone and started looking towards sky.

It seemed that it’s changing its colours again and again but no view was helping me to get rid of my depression thus I got up and reached in a garden and sat under a tree.

Although weather was very nice, cold winds were blowing and leaves that was touching against my cheeks, were irritated me.

I therefore moved to car, as soon as I reached at the main gate of the garden, I saw a couple entering into the garden. I had a glimpse and wondered to see because the girl, who entered with blooming smile. The smile was bloomed pink rose as roses always give soothing effect. Although she was not beautiful and good looking but her smile was covering her shortcomings and her eyes were also sparkling and blooming.

Hence I stopped and started gazing her. It seemed that I was numb and was forgot that why I was depressed. I smiled and felt happy.

Having seen the smile, it seemed everything was ceased for a moment and was turned into happy mood.

The leaves that were irritating me, now giving cooling effect even sky was also looking bright and spreading the colour of happiness, it seemed that they were taking away my all tensions and are ready to dance with me.

I took my car and came back to home. After reaching I was feeling so energetic and engrossed in my household chores.

The night I was thinking that a smile, a positive face always help us to get rid of depression.

By: Shweta jain



When a child starts learning writing he/she feels uncomfortable even hold a pencil. He/she only scribble and crumble the paper and throw it. Sometimes it’s fun to see them. Many children tear paper when they feel uneasy to write or even hold pencil, sometimes these activity show their angriness, fear and jealousy. It is often seen that whenever they are not success to express their feeling verbally they try to express through their writing patterns or colouring patterns.

Often kids copy to elder ones and try to do the same. Once I saw a child was sitting with crayons, pencils, eraser and some papers. The child was sketching lines on the papers and erasing the lines again and again. After a long time I saw he piled up of crumbled papers only one paper was kept properly with a beautiful picture. Hence I was totally baffled to see and wanted to know the reason so started opening all the crumbled papers one by one and found some lighter and some darker lines on the papers. Having seen it although I was totally perplexed but I thought and came to know that ………….

The mistakes are made by us, are like lighter and darker lines of pencil and we all assume like a pencil because all the lines are sketched by us whether they are light or dark. In the beginning of our life like kids we make small mistakes and used to be succeeded to erase them and then try to make bigger ones when we are failing to correct properly then feel repentance because if mistakes are made again and again, they always leave their impression on our character and become the cause of stumbling and nemesis but if we learn from them then be a good example for society.

From the small game of pencil I knew that this is the truth of our life that our small mistake can be big inspiration for us if it is taken as a lesson.

Make mistakes but learn from them because your mistakes only can make changes in your life and lead the life like a small kid because they usually are very determined and always try to correct even their small mistakes themselves.

Sometimes their small activity becomes a big lesson for us

By:Shweta Jain




One day when I peeped out from my window and saw that many people with a plate that was covered with a colourful cloth, were going towards a banyan tree, its branches were spreading over a wall of building. Hence I was perplexed to see the scene and thought that the tree must have had all virtues that’s why it is being worshipped.

Moreover at noon time I saw the area was crowded because they must have taken cooling effect under it. Few people were plucking its leaves and branches that must have been used for medical treatment. Thus I thought that a tree is more useful then I should also go to worship it .Therefore the very next day I also went to the tree with a plate in my hand to worship the tree. As soon as I reached near by the tree, I saw that many people were worshiping and I also tried to emulate that was being done. After that I sat for few hours under the tree and it was nice to have cooling effect under it then suddenly and I was shocked to have a glance of its roots and wide cracks on the wall. I thought that due to its roots must have gone into depth of building that’s why the wall is looking cracked.

Furthermore I came back to home with depressing mood and thought in spite of having all the virtues its roots can be dangerous because due to its roots the wall might be fall down.

Hence I thought that a person also has some good qualities as well as some bad qualities then why don’t we comfortable with his/her bad habits and qualities and despite of having all good why we give up a person because of his/her bad habits and qualities.

I came to know nothing is in the world that has all good qualities in it and it’s depending on our illusion how we handle and accept a thing or person.


If we don’t focus its bad quality and find the good qualities they have then it can’t be harmful us.

I came to know that we can lead a happy life to change our illusion.

By: Shweta Jain


Very often it is seen that at every occasion, our inbox are flooded with messages and make us feel happy and special. Moreover it’s a good way to keep in touch with everyone even with whom we are not contacted for a long time.

Besides on this women ‘day I found my inbox flooded. Having read all the messages, I felt proud to be a woman but sometimes it shoots in my mind , the wishes and regards are received through messages, is given to woman.

In spite of knowing by everyone, women are pivotal of the world then why they are humiliated.

Seeing the increasing rate of rape cases in our society, it seems false getting messages for the regard of women because by whom we get meaningful and decent messages, by them we are often violated.

When a woman is haunted of rape, Not only she is being physically raped but mentally also she is being violated. Even when they raise their voice against it then many offensive questions are faced and are tried to repress their emotions. If their external appearance become the cause of it then why women are withsaree are not safe. Even small girls are repressed at a very initial stage of her life that becomes horrifying for them. Besides them their family members are also besieged with many question of society and their emotions are raped at each and every step. Even few cases are telecasted and publicized by media, are become a theme to make a movie by directors.

In addition to girls, boys are also assaulted. Sometimes our friends and relatives take advantage of our faith whatever we have in them.

If a woman is not regarded and not having assurance of her safety then why we celebrate women ‘day and daughter ‘day and why we send messages to each other

I think that it’s only a fashion to send messages, videos, chatting with each other  and we are addicted to.

If no action would be taken against it earlier, in every moment a woman, a girl will succumb.

By: Shweta jain


Having achieved grand success in any field we become over confident and ignore every things and events that make us repented.

Moreover due to lower digit, one number is also not valued whether it is 1 mark question in exam, 1 rupee coin or 1 drop of water however we forget that due to get less 1 number we can’t make 99 to 100. Hence our negligence towards small things and numbers become a cause of our failure or repentance.

The students who run around the clock in exams and often leave their question paper due to get 1 minute less and then they realize same as a dying person who needs 1 moment more to spend with his/her near and dear ones. Ask an interviewer who loses his /her job due to reaching 1 minute late.

Even 1 drop of water is considered precious for a thirsty person.

A rich man, despite of having Crore rupees in his bank account are useless if he doesn’t get 1 rupee coin on time. It is not important what we have, the most important is whatever we have on time whether they are person for help or money.

Although at each and every nook of life it warns us and shows its importance but is neglected by us

Many times 1number is not valued by me also but I came to know when my son lost a chess tournament due to get 1 number less and it made me regret. Earlier He had won many tournaments that ‘why we were over confident and didn’t give importance the small tournament and thought it would be easily win by him. The day when we reached and as soon as tournament was started, 4 rounds was won continuously by him and still 1 round was left to play I took it easy and said to him,” You will definitely win the tournament because 1 round is only left and I saw your name is at top three players list. The words make him loser because he didn’t focus on his game and lost the tournament.

The thought made me remorseful and couldn’t anything for him.

By:Shweta Jain



In hordes of people, few people get success but few only struggle in their life despite of striving hard. The question always pesters us when we don’t achieve our aim. Hence we start turning towards other direction.

To be successful although we make many changes at our working place or at our home even many people do fasting also but don’t get maximum result. It becomes a cause of big disappointment and consider ourselves loser.

I also wanted to reveal this mystery so one day I visited an enormous and beautifully carved temple with many idols in it for fulfilling my wishes. As soon as I reached, I enthralled seeing its carving but when I proceeded towards a hall where all idols were established, I bewildered to see that every people are rushing towards idols instead of seeing the beauty of carved marbles that was enhancing its beauty.

Hence I stood in front of the idol and begged for fulfilling my wishes and heard a voice. Having heard the voice, I conjectured and looked around the hall and that all the marbles which was embedded in the wall, were asking the idol that we are more attractive than you then why people are attracting to you?

The idols guffawed at their words and said,” How silly question you asked”! The marbles giggled and again asked the reason. They stated that we overcome all the obstacles with courage and go ahead in my life.

The marble asked what is meant by you.

They said,” we were smitten many times giving perfect shape of each and every part.” The marbles said,” We are also smitten then the idols said,” we agree but you stumble many times in your life and change your path. However we overcome all the hurdles unless we don’t attain success.

The marbles agreed and said,” That ‘why you always sparkle and are regarded by the people.”

I came to know that our determination, courage and confidence are only needed to achieve anything in our life that is hidden in us. However we are failing to lighten up and slip with a slight jerk.

Thus we consider others of the reason of our failure and visit many fortune tellers. However besides having many problems, we ensnare of them. Hence fear and depression take place in us.

Our determination and courage can strengthen us and make our life easier.

By: Shweta Jain



My heart is full of gloomy to see the pathetic condition of beggars. Sometimes few are forcefully throw into this profession and some adapt the way to survive. It’s very common to see beggars on red light; many times ladies are seen using  kids for begging by dressing them in a very poor condition.

One day when I left from my house, saw an old lady, sitting on the road side. Although she was looking in good condition but her eyes seem full of sorrow, many by passers were passing through but no one even stopped.  I thought that everybody might be considering her as a fraud.

After 4-5 days I saw her, sitting at the same place and was appearing bag of bones. Having seen her pitiful condition, I guessed that she must not have eaten even a single bite of bread. Hence i thought to give her a piece of bread but didn’t give and thought if she might be a fraud, will harm me.  The end of the day I saw many people surrounded her but after sometimes few people scattered but one of them was sitting with her. I also rushed to her and wanted to know the reason. Hence when he asked her the reason to sit here she couldn’t stop her emotions and started crying very badly.

She stated him in a shaky voice,” I’m waiting for my son.”

Thus the man got confused and said to her,” why are you waiting for your son”?

She told that her son had left her before one week and said to her, “To wait for me.” He’ll be here after few minutes. Since the day I’m waiting here.

The day when he left me, I had 300/-Rs and I have spent 300/-Rs dialing him and every time he is saying to wait for him.

Although now he doesn’t pick my phone but still I’m waiting for him.

Hearing the story of the old woman, my and the man ‘eyes became wet.

Hence we tried to convince her to go to an orphanage but she refused and repeating same words, “My son will come to pick up me”.

She uttered that she was not sitting here for money.

The man asked her she had something . she said, “I if I would have gone to have food, my son had to find me that ‘why i didn’t move”.

The man said,” I’m bringing food for you.”

She told him that no.

If I eat anything, I’ll sleep and my son will go back seeing me sleep.

she said,” I know my empty stomach and my eyes would not let me sleep and i can wait of my son’steps

However we were trying to tell the fact but she was not even ready to realize the fact that her son will not come back to pick her up.

Hence we didn’t come to know that what we should do for her help. At last after sometimes we went and still the lady was waiting for her son.

By: Shweta Jain




One day I was playing jigsaw puzzle with my son and in spite of being easier,  I took an hour to complete the puzzle however he took only fifteen minutes to make it. Hence I felt so embarrassed and thought how hastily he finished at a very early age !

I therefore reminded my childhood days, and started laughing to remember about  those days how we used to have fun doing such stupid activities as we used to laugh loudly, cry and fight with each other for silly things. Sometimes those became a cause of embarrassment; however I neglected it and used to have fun. I never forget to celebrate even silly events. Moreover I easily could have crossed a long and tough path happily and never felt hesitate to climb on high walls.


However we grow up, our nuisance activities are engraved in us because we are besieged with lots of responsibilities and lots of tensions take place in our life. In order to our life are scattered like jigsaw puzzle but never success to connect them in spite of lying few pieces in front of us because we forget to have fun. Although  everybody has a child in it but never appeared because it is covered with many layers.

Moreover we all are hunted of such a stupid sickness that what will others think about us? Before doing anything, we always think that how they will react on our activity even for wearing dresses, for eating and for such small things. Furthermore among all those stupidity our childhood is killed and gradually we forget reality of our life and it is become a part of our life.

After travelled our life journey when we take a step in our old age, we felt gloomy to see all the scatter pieces of puzzle those could not connect due to responsibilities. At that moment we want to join them but because of our old age we do not able to pick them up.

We come to know that we lived our life in our childhood happily in order to in other phase of the life we only picked the pieces but could not join them.

Hence pamper yourself and live your life happily and never kill your childish behaviour because in it our entire life is hidden. Moreover to whom we find in our entire life and search the way to achieve something in our life that is done easily in our childhood.

By: Shweta Jain