Category Archives: Faith



A person, either your friend or a relative with whom you feel at ease, may often harm you if you have blind faith in them. Despite of behaving sweetly with you, they may back bite about you.

I would like to share my personal experience with you. I was recruited as an English teacher in a school. The very first day, I had to take my first lecture of grammar in 8th standard in front of the coordinator. I was very nervous but one of the teachers encouraged and supported me. I felt very glad when she appreciated my teaching skills in the PTA meeting and after that they appointed me for higher standards also. I achieved a good reputation in the school. I used to feel comfortable with her and had trusted in her. We even used to share our personal matters and always supported each other in our tough time.

One day when I heard her back biting about me, I was bewildered and could not believe on my ears. The very next day when we were discussing regarding the exam papers, she praised me. I thought that what I heard yesterday could have been my misapprehension. Before the final examination, we had a meeting with management and I was stunned to hear that I had been given a bad rating. They questioned on my teaching capability and I was demoted. I felt humiliated and coveted the reason for the matter. When I knew that the teacher, who used to act good in front of me would make changes in my notes that I had to submit to the coordinator every month. She would also instigate the management against me and made me a fool. I was ensnared by her fake behaviour.

Trust people but with open eyes and do not let them interrupt in your life. Take advice from them but take your decisions yourself.

 By:  Shweta Jain