All posts by creativityinwordblog

About creativityinwordblog

My hobbies are art ,craft and writing blog. I teach different types of paintings


Inferiority is not being to compete a given activity however it’s a feeling that arise in people mind and create anxiety or can be said that it’s a conflict between mind and our heart.

Few symptoms are seen in people who feel inferior…….

People have very hypocritical behaviour as angry, cranky and very mischievous especially these symptoms are seen in small kids. In elders they r found out  very talkative and tried to expose their qualities.

It’s a very common sign of those people that they blame others for their failure. For example if a kid gets less marks in exam, definitely will blame to teacher or the environment that he/she had in examination hall. It indicates that they r defident and anyhow to finish the topic. Moreover the most major aspect is when parents support them.

They try to away from society because they do not want hear anything  positive about others and don’t want to learn any good lesson. Moreover they consider themselves over smart and believer no one is as intelligent as they are hence they avoid to speak publicly because they know that anything will create an embarrassing demonstration of their in eptitude.

People who have inferiority complex like to win anything but avoid the situation because of being defident.

People can g et over from this situation by using few tips……

Trust in you and celebrate even ur small achievement. It will help to build their confidence even parents or elders should support them and encourage them to go ahead.

They should divert their mind towards any hobby whatever they like to do very much as listening music, drawing e.t.c. It will bring a drastic change in their behavior.

This is a very common problem but if at right time we don’t get over this situation, spoil our life.

By : Shweta jain







It is very common and often are seen,to be disrespected and discriminated of manual labourer. However if we guess a day without any of them how much problems have to be faced. Even our daily sechdule can be derailed without them.

Moreover those people consider  that intellectual labourer are important for the society, should be realized to them  that If an intellectual labourer helps us to do our daily routine faster by using latest technologies like that a manual labourer is equally important that always help us for just to finish our daily chores.

In addition to every job has its own dignity and  has equally rights to be respected. Even any of labour  is dutifully done with honesty, deserves appreciation.

This is a seed that we should inculcate in our kids that will become a sapling, a plant and later on will become a tree. Otherwise inspite of being an independent citizen manual labourer will lead their life like a slave that would be injustice for them.

Join your hands and respect each and everyone.

BY:Shweta Jain



Family is like a giant tree. It can give us sweet fruits if its roots are strong and have  watered with love, affection, understanding, respect and faith however if it waters with hatred,ego,disrespect, it will give only throns and will stumble by a slight gust of wind and can never sow.

Water your family with love and faith as well as care of each and every branch because if a branch is weak and watering with hatred, it can move its roots.

We all need a happy and healthy family but what we all think, how can we make it healthy……..I think only few people try and rest of are busy in their world. Their eyes open when a gust of wind destroy their world and leave only few particle of dust for them.

This is not a time to be repented so give priority to your family and make it healthy

Shweta Jain





  • It is often seen that people curse themselves b’coz of having struggling life and think that if we would have had life others, we could have enjoyed our life. However it is upto them that how they take their life and how they face obstacles of their life? Hence if they take those hurdles like a challenge or lesson, they can become a cause of their success.

Among them few people find the solution to get out from the solution and few only complain………..

The people who find solution and ready to face each and every hurdle and choose the most difficult way to acquire success, they are successful b’coz hard word only can bring good and long lasting result.

The people who find  short cut ways to gain success that ways can give only temporary smile on their face that may stumble by a slight gust of weed and roam like a tumbleweed.

Hence don’t feel jealous from others life but focus on your life and try to smile on each and every situation b’coz your mental peace and calmness can help you to take right decision.

By: Shweta Jain

Don’t make fun of others

Often ladies are seen bitching of others and have fun by doing this. Even not  a single chance is missed by them to criticise others. At my kids school dispersal time,many parents try to pull others legs. In our friends group, one lady is weak in English and all updates are sent by her on what’s app group, become a cause of fun due to her wrong sentence formation in English. Although I also make her fun but one of my friends she never miss a single chance to make her fun in public In spite of being a good friend of her.

Few people are considered themselves more intelligent and perfectionist but they forget that each and every person has its own quality and if you point others, you are pointing yourself also.

I want to ask simple questions……..

If a person is weak in any field, we should help to correct or should make a topic of fun.

It is meant that people should be perfect in each and every field. Is it possible?

Why those people are feel neglected who can’t speak in English?

Should we give them a chance  to express their words or make fun?

I also agree that nowadays English has become a main language for communication but it’s not meant that we laugh others.

I am also teaching english a 37 years old lady b’coz she was feeling neglected even at her home she was considered fool and she had become fad up and joined me.

Even I was also very weak in English and also made many errors but faced the situation that’s why I can know very well how they must have felt.

So please don’t make fun of others.

By:Shweta Jain


Last month at open house few parents questioned on carrying heavy bags in school as children are suffering from shoulder pain as well as getting more tired. Even one parent complained regarding her daughter back pain and submitted the doctor prescription. Many of them suggested many ideas to face from the problem but was not agreed. Hence one parent suggested to introduce personal lockers in school as they can keep their extra things in it and can reduce the weight of bags.

Moreover everybody was agreed with the suggestion b’coz it will help to relief their pains that has become a common problem among students that effects on their posture as well as effects on their studies .

In addition to sometimes they forget to carry few books and those students who have not proper place at home due to living in small house but if lockers would be alloted,they can keep their few books in it.

Furthermore if their few books would be kept in school, they can be more attentive in class and try to finish their studies in school and can get more time for extra curricular activities that help to build their confidence.

At the last even management also agreed happily and promised to allot till the end of next month.



Since yesterday I am very depressed because I found the memory card in which my elder daughter ‘memories were captured, who had passed away 7 years ago. In spite of being at a very young age she became success in many fields and won many awards as well as she also made me feel proud. Since the moment her memories are hidden in  my heart but yesterday when i saw a glimpse of video , it seems, everything has been flashed back and i ‘m thinking that God sent her back because  her voice like MUMMY,MUMMY is echoing in my ears but when I turn up, she doesn’t see and the moments make me cry.

In the addition to I don’t know whether it’s my delusion or not but I want to live with this because I know when it breaks she ‘ll go away and now I don’t want to lose her.

By:Shweta Jain


When rains knocked at my door in the month of June, I felt very happy because it gave me relaxation from burning heat but suddenly it became a cause of tension when  it was heavily and continuously raining, many areas were water logged and people were stuck on roads, a number of mosquitoes were breeding on puddles and within a few days hospitals were flooded with patients with monsoon diseases. Even my daughter was sick with skin rashes due to flooded water.

It is seen that in every monsoon people has to face many problems but we can protect our self from monsoon diseases  by changing in our daily schedule.

These are very common and are known by everyone but people ignore as…….

Use boiled water for drinking.

Avoid outside food. Especially youngsters are seen hogged up on roadside food.

Avoid chilled water and any types of drinks. In stead of it  have vegetables soup that help to enhance your immunity.

Cover your body as wear full sleeves t-shirts.

Take shower with lukewarm water.

While going out use rainy footwear (fine quality rubber shoes don’t use plastic as it may cause of skin eruption)and rain coats.

By making few changes we can protect our self from few diseases.

Enjoy Monsoon and be stylish

By: Shweta Jain


Sometimes i think that how did i start writing because i am not a writer and even never thought to write blog. However I am an artist and teach drawing to kids and enjoy with them. Although One day i was feeling very lonely and streesed and negative thoughts were coming in my mind thus wanted to share my feelings with someone but couldn’t do.

Thus i took a brush and canvas to make a painting after finishing the painting i felt relaxed but wanted to feel like talking with someone. I therefore took a paper and pen and start writing whatever i was thinking and It seemed that i was sharing with everyone even whatever i wrote. I read that that was not making any sense. Although i laughed on my words but i felt relaxed and peace in my mind. Hence it seemed as i decluttered my mind.

I therefore wrote first blog on HOW TO LIVE STRESS FREE and felt happy when i got a numbers of viewers.

Since the day i am writing whether i am getting good response or not but i am doing and it has become my hobby.

Moreover the blogs were written, all are related to my life now i write even small incidents and feel relaxed. Sometimes whenever i feel depressed, i write and read and get the solution.

Secondly i felt one more change that earlier i used to scare writing and speaking now i feel confident even now i can handle public meetings.

I feel very happy when my articles are appreciated and liked by peoples and the feeling make me confident.

I would like to say thanks to all my readers to like my blog and encourage me for writing.

By: Shweta jain


Nowadays every student is running to get good percentage even 90 above also doesn’ matter that’why parents are enrolling their kids in good tution classes. More over few parents think that only tution classes can help their kids to score good percentage. I am also agree because outside school premises they need a helping hand to help them for their acedemic  doubts that’why we look for a good tuter to polish their skills. However the thought make me bewildered that only good coaching classes make students brillant and help them to secure good percentage.

I think that it,s wrong.

It has become a fashion in our society and many tuters has made education a bussiness  and make the environment paniced that’why in spite of being immense coaching fees parents are sending their children.

It is not meant that students should not approach tution teachers, they should but if they don’t have supporting hand at their home.

However don’t be panic and think that without tution they can’t score good.

They can, if they study regularly and follow school instructions

I think if  good tuters can make student brillant then how poor families kids top in their class!

Few days back i wondered to read a news that a vegetable vendor’son topped U.P Board with 96.8%. The boy has no facilites even no electricity at his home and his school was 10 km far fron his place and he was used to go by cycle. This was the condition of the boy family now you can figure out that could the boy afford tution fees? No, never.

Even many surveys has been done that  many students who are placed at higher desination, are belong from middle class family. Even this year 50% IIT students are selected who were not having any coaching because money never make a person brillant.

work hard and success will touch your feet because only your capability and a good guidance make you success.

By : Shweta Jain