Inferiority is not being to compete a given activity however it’s a feeling that arise in people mind and create anxiety or can be said that it’s a conflict between mind and our heart.

Few symptoms are seen in people who feel inferior…….

People have very hypocritical behaviour as angry, cranky and very mischievous especially these symptoms are seen in small kids. In elders they r found out  very talkative and tried to expose their qualities.

It’s a very common sign of those people that they blame others for their failure. For example if a kid gets less marks in exam, definitely will blame to teacher or the environment that he/she had in examination hall. It indicates that they r defident and anyhow to finish the topic. Moreover the most major aspect is when parents support them.

They try to away from society because they do not want hear anything  positive about others and don’t want to learn any good lesson. Moreover they consider themselves over smart and believer no one is as intelligent as they are hence they avoid to speak publicly because they know that anything will create an embarrassing demonstration of their in eptitude.

People who have inferiority complex like to win anything but avoid the situation because of being defident.

People can g et over from this situation by using few tips……

Trust in you and celebrate even ur small achievement. It will help to build their confidence even parents or elders should support them and encourage them to go ahead.

They should divert their mind towards any hobby whatever they like to do very much as listening music, drawing e.t.c. It will bring a drastic change in their behavior.

This is a very common problem but if at right time we don’t get over this situation, spoil our life.

By : Shweta jain






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