Monthly Archives: November 2015


It is very common and often are seen,to be disrespected and discriminated of manual labourer. However if we guess a day without any of them how much problems have to be faced. Even our daily sechdule can be derailed without them.

Moreover those people consider  that intellectual labourer are important for the society, should be realized to them  that If an intellectual labourer helps us to do our daily routine faster by using latest technologies like that a manual labourer is equally important that always help us for just to finish our daily chores.

In addition to every job has its own dignity and  has equally rights to be respected. Even any of labour  is dutifully done with honesty, deserves appreciation.

This is a seed that we should inculcate in our kids that will become a sapling, a plant and later on will become a tree. Otherwise inspite of being an independent citizen manual labourer will lead their life like a slave that would be injustice for them.

Join your hands and respect each and everyone.

BY:Shweta Jain



Family is like a giant tree. It can give us sweet fruits if its roots are strong and have  watered with love, affection, understanding, respect and faith however if it waters with hatred,ego,disrespect, it will give only throns and will stumble by a slight gust of wind and can never sow.

Water your family with love and faith as well as care of each and every branch because if a branch is weak and watering with hatred, it can move its roots.

We all need a happy and healthy family but what we all think, how can we make it healthy……..I think only few people try and rest of are busy in their world. Their eyes open when a gust of wind destroy their world and leave only few particle of dust for them.

This is not a time to be repented so give priority to your family and make it healthy

Shweta Jain