Monthly Archives: September 2015


  • It is often seen that people curse themselves b’coz of having struggling life and think that if we would have had life others, we could have enjoyed our life. However it is upto them that how they take their life and how they face obstacles of their life? Hence if they take those hurdles like a challenge or lesson, they can become a cause of their success.

Among them few people find the solution to get out from the solution and few only complain………..

The people who find solution and ready to face each and every hurdle and choose the most difficult way to acquire success, they are successful b’coz hard word only can bring good and long lasting result.

The people who find  short cut ways to gain success that ways can give only temporary smile on their face that may stumble by a slight gust of weed and roam like a tumbleweed.

Hence don’t feel jealous from others life but focus on your life and try to smile on each and every situation b’coz your mental peace and calmness can help you to take right decision.

By: Shweta Jain