Don’t make fun of others

Often ladies are seen bitching of others and have fun by doing this. Even not  a single chance is missed by them to criticise others. At my kids school dispersal time,many parents try to pull others legs. In our friends group, one lady is weak in English and all updates are sent by her on what’s app group, become a cause of fun due to her wrong sentence formation in English. Although I also make her fun but one of my friends she never miss a single chance to make her fun in public In spite of being a good friend of her.

Few people are considered themselves more intelligent and perfectionist but they forget that each and every person has its own quality and if you point others, you are pointing yourself also.

I want to ask simple questions……..

If a person is weak in any field, we should help to correct or should make a topic of fun.

It is meant that people should be perfect in each and every field. Is it possible?

Why those people are feel neglected who can’t speak in English?

Should we give them a chance  to express their words or make fun?

I also agree that nowadays English has become a main language for communication but it’s not meant that we laugh others.

I am also teaching english a 37 years old lady b’coz she was feeling neglected even at her home she was considered fool and she had become fad up and joined me.

Even I was also very weak in English and also made many errors but faced the situation that’s why I can know very well how they must have felt.

So please don’t make fun of others.

By:Shweta Jain

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