Monthly Archives: May 2015


Sometimes i think that how did i start writing because i am not a writer and even never thought to write blog. However I am an artist and teach drawing to kids and enjoy with them. Although One day i was feeling very lonely and streesed and negative thoughts were coming in my mind thus wanted to share my feelings with someone but couldn’t do.

Thus i took a brush and canvas to make a painting after finishing the painting i felt relaxed but wanted to feel like talking with someone. I therefore took a paper and pen and start writing whatever i was thinking and It seemed that i was sharing with everyone even whatever i wrote. I read that that was not making any sense. Although i laughed on my words but i felt relaxed and peace in my mind. Hence it seemed as i decluttered my mind.

I therefore wrote first blog on HOW TO LIVE STRESS FREE and felt happy when i got a numbers of viewers.

Since the day i am writing whether i am getting good response or not but i am doing and it has become my hobby.

Moreover the blogs were written, all are related to my life now i write even small incidents and feel relaxed. Sometimes whenever i feel depressed, i write and read and get the solution.

Secondly i felt one more change that earlier i used to scare writing and speaking now i feel confident even now i can handle public meetings.

I feel very happy when my articles are appreciated and liked by peoples and the feeling make me confident.

I would like to say thanks to all my readers to like my blog and encourage me for writing.

By: Shweta jain


Nowadays every student is running to get good percentage even 90 above also doesn’ matter that’why parents are enrolling their kids in good tution classes. More over few parents think that only tution classes can help their kids to score good percentage. I am also agree because outside school premises they need a helping hand to help them for their acedemic  doubts that’why we look for a good tuter to polish their skills. However the thought make me bewildered that only good coaching classes make students brillant and help them to secure good percentage.

I think that it,s wrong.

It has become a fashion in our society and many tuters has made education a bussiness  and make the environment paniced that’why in spite of being immense coaching fees parents are sending their children.

It is not meant that students should not approach tution teachers, they should but if they don’t have supporting hand at their home.

However don’t be panic and think that without tution they can’t score good.

They can, if they study regularly and follow school instructions

I think if  good tuters can make student brillant then how poor families kids top in their class!

Few days back i wondered to read a news that a vegetable vendor’son topped U.P Board with 96.8%. The boy has no facilites even no electricity at his home and his school was 10 km far fron his place and he was used to go by cycle. This was the condition of the boy family now you can figure out that could the boy afford tution fees? No, never.

Even many surveys has been done that  many students who are placed at higher desination, are belong from middle class family. Even this year 50% IIT students are selected who were not having any coaching because money never make a person brillant.

work hard and success will touch your feet because only your capability and a good guidance make you success.

By : Shweta Jain


It is very common that we meet many people in our life journey as a friend, relative and colleagues thus every person plays an important role in our life.

I visited many places and met many people and found that some people don’t want to mingle with others and they mesmerize with their luxurious life.

Few days back i met with a girl in a wedding party and when everybody was enjoying,she was sitting alone.Thus i went to her to talk with her and said,” Hi!

She said to me very bluntly,” Do you want any thing from me”?

I said,”No.”

She said to me,”Why did you come here?”

I told her that since we gathered here for wedding she  were never be seen to mingle up with people.

She laughed loudly at me and said,”Who told me that she had always been seen alone.

She showed me her very expensive gadgets and said,”these are my friends and do you know that how many friends in my friend list on facebook and what’s app and she always engross with them.

I said,”Ok but do you meet them personally and do you even share few moments of happiness and sorrow with them?She said to me,” Yes,i always chat with them whenever i feel sad or happy.

I said,”i am agree with you but whenever we are happy we need a person to hug and whenever we are sad we need a shoulder to sympathize us and can you hug if it is needed for you.

She looked in anvery awkward manner and said ,” These all people who are here, are strangers for me and are not of my type.

I said,”What is your type”?  The girl who never value the people who are surround her and are very arrogant.

She shouted at me and said,”what do you mean? I said in a very polite manner that i also have thousands of friends in my friend list on facebook and what’app and they are also important for me but i always enjoy with those people with whom i am surrounded because we can chat any time with our facebook and what’app friends. I think so that we are here to enjoy the wedding.

very often people are seen engrossing with their gadgets in a function to make themselves stylish but as per my opinion in stead of looking stylish they look fool and miss happy moments.

Give importance to each and every person and see how your life bloom!

Even a flower or an animal always be happy with whom they are surrounded.

By: Shweta Jain


A child works like a glue between both parents but few parents are separated because of misunderstanding anf few lose their life in mid of  life and child has to lead its life with one parent.

Moreover parents forget that on the birth of their child they celebrate their happiness and make many promises with their child to give him/her a happy, healthy and wealthy life. The parents become the first and good teacher for their child, today their decision is making their’s child life insecure.Although they know but don’t want to compromise.

This is not a question that the parent can’t give the child a happy life, he/she can but in spite of fulfilling his/her all wishes, is the child happy? No,because they can give only momentary happiness because parent can’t fill blank of other parent.

As well as the child it is very difficult for the parent also because he/she can’t give more time to his/her child because he/she has to go out for working that ‘why can’t give more attention on his/her all activities and the child has to depend on his/her grandparents if they are alive. Many parent send the child in a hostel not because of giving quality time but sometimes it gives adverse result.

Both parents can give their child happy and smooth life because if a mother can give more affection and love as well a father make them strong and learn them to face each and every problem easily.

The parents who take the decision of separation, should think about their child ‘future and remind all the promises which you have done with your child. I think that it may be help you to change your decision.

By: Shweta Jain


Often it is seen that if we are fail, we make excuses or blame others for our failure and never try to think the solution that ‘why again and again we fail to obtain anything.

If really we want to get success, we have to take all the responsibility of our failure, have to check out the mistake is made and work out to solve it.

It’s a very simple example …………..whenever we sharp a pencil and if it doesn’t sharp properly then quality of pencil or sharpener is blamed and is taken other pencil or sharpener and again same problem is faced because we have not noticed our mistake yet.

Furthermore many difficulties are faced in our life, sometimes they seem tough or we make them tougher…….just stop and think.

I think that they are made tougher because again and again situations are tried to be changed that are impossible in many cases.

Simple example …………..If we live in a very small house with joint family and a kid of that family doesn’t score good marks and blame to his/her family and small house. Just think is his/ her family or house is responsible. No, because since childhood he/she was living in same house with his/ her family…….Reason didn’t work according to that.

It’s always seen that failure always try to change the situation instead of changing ourselves that ‘why they are failing to achieve their wish.

We have to choose our own way to go ahead.

Don’t waste our time to make excuses, make changes in ourselves and see the difference in your life because a silly change can bring a drastic change in your life.

By: Shweta Jain