Monthly Archives: February 2015


In hordes of people, few people get success but few only struggle in their life despite of striving hard. The question always pesters us when we don’t achieve our aim. Hence we start turning towards other direction.

To be successful although we make many changes at our working place or at our home even many people do fasting also but don’t get maximum result. It becomes a cause of big disappointment and consider ourselves loser.

I also wanted to reveal this mystery so one day I visited an enormous and beautifully carved temple with many idols in it for fulfilling my wishes. As soon as I reached, I enthralled seeing its carving but when I proceeded towards a hall where all idols were established, I bewildered to see that every people are rushing towards idols instead of seeing the beauty of carved marbles that was enhancing its beauty.

Hence I stood in front of the idol and begged for fulfilling my wishes and heard a voice. Having heard the voice, I conjectured and looked around the hall and that all the marbles which was embedded in the wall, were asking the idol that we are more attractive than you then why people are attracting to you?

The idols guffawed at their words and said,” How silly question you asked”! The marbles giggled and again asked the reason. They stated that we overcome all the obstacles with courage and go ahead in my life.

The marble asked what is meant by you.

They said,” we were smitten many times giving perfect shape of each and every part.” The marbles said,” We are also smitten then the idols said,” we agree but you stumble many times in your life and change your path. However we overcome all the hurdles unless we don’t attain success.

The marbles agreed and said,” That ‘why you always sparkle and are regarded by the people.”

I came to know that our determination, courage and confidence are only needed to achieve anything in our life that is hidden in us. However we are failing to lighten up and slip with a slight jerk.

Thus we consider others of the reason of our failure and visit many fortune tellers. However besides having many problems, we ensnare of them. Hence fear and depression take place in us.

Our determination and courage can strengthen us and make our life easier.

By: Shweta Jain



My heart is full of gloomy to see the pathetic condition of beggars. Sometimes few are forcefully throw into this profession and some adapt the way to survive. It’s very common to see beggars on red light; many times ladies are seen using  kids for begging by dressing them in a very poor condition.

One day when I left from my house, saw an old lady, sitting on the road side. Although she was looking in good condition but her eyes seem full of sorrow, many by passers were passing through but no one even stopped.  I thought that everybody might be considering her as a fraud.

After 4-5 days I saw her, sitting at the same place and was appearing bag of bones. Having seen her pitiful condition, I guessed that she must not have eaten even a single bite of bread. Hence i thought to give her a piece of bread but didn’t give and thought if she might be a fraud, will harm me.  The end of the day I saw many people surrounded her but after sometimes few people scattered but one of them was sitting with her. I also rushed to her and wanted to know the reason. Hence when he asked her the reason to sit here she couldn’t stop her emotions and started crying very badly.

She stated him in a shaky voice,” I’m waiting for my son.”

Thus the man got confused and said to her,” why are you waiting for your son”?

She told that her son had left her before one week and said to her, “To wait for me.” He’ll be here after few minutes. Since the day I’m waiting here.

The day when he left me, I had 300/-Rs and I have spent 300/-Rs dialing him and every time he is saying to wait for him.

Although now he doesn’t pick my phone but still I’m waiting for him.

Hearing the story of the old woman, my and the man ‘eyes became wet.

Hence we tried to convince her to go to an orphanage but she refused and repeating same words, “My son will come to pick up me”.

She uttered that she was not sitting here for money.

The man asked her she had something . she said, “I if I would have gone to have food, my son had to find me that ‘why i didn’t move”.

The man said,” I’m bringing food for you.”

She told him that no.

If I eat anything, I’ll sleep and my son will go back seeing me sleep.

she said,” I know my empty stomach and my eyes would not let me sleep and i can wait of my son’steps

However we were trying to tell the fact but she was not even ready to realize the fact that her son will not come back to pick her up.

Hence we didn’t come to know that what we should do for her help. At last after sometimes we went and still the lady was waiting for her son.

By: Shweta Jain




One day I was playing jigsaw puzzle with my son and in spite of being easier,  I took an hour to complete the puzzle however he took only fifteen minutes to make it. Hence I felt so embarrassed and thought how hastily he finished at a very early age !

I therefore reminded my childhood days, and started laughing to remember about  those days how we used to have fun doing such stupid activities as we used to laugh loudly, cry and fight with each other for silly things. Sometimes those became a cause of embarrassment; however I neglected it and used to have fun. I never forget to celebrate even silly events. Moreover I easily could have crossed a long and tough path happily and never felt hesitate to climb on high walls.


However we grow up, our nuisance activities are engraved in us because we are besieged with lots of responsibilities and lots of tensions take place in our life. In order to our life are scattered like jigsaw puzzle but never success to connect them in spite of lying few pieces in front of us because we forget to have fun. Although  everybody has a child in it but never appeared because it is covered with many layers.

Moreover we all are hunted of such a stupid sickness that what will others think about us? Before doing anything, we always think that how they will react on our activity even for wearing dresses, for eating and for such small things. Furthermore among all those stupidity our childhood is killed and gradually we forget reality of our life and it is become a part of our life.

After travelled our life journey when we take a step in our old age, we felt gloomy to see all the scatter pieces of puzzle those could not connect due to responsibilities. At that moment we want to join them but because of our old age we do not able to pick them up.

We come to know that we lived our life in our childhood happily in order to in other phase of the life we only picked the pieces but could not join them.

Hence pamper yourself and live your life happily and never kill your childish behaviour because in it our entire life is hidden. Moreover to whom we find in our entire life and search the way to achieve something in our life that is done easily in our childhood.

By: Shweta Jain




One day in the evening I was sitting in my room with crossed legs and reading a book. While reading as soon as I took a sip of tea and glanced on the main wall of the room, I mesmerized to see the bright colours of the wall paper. Hence I felt glad because the wall paper was enhancing my room’ beauty. I therefore stopped reading and started gazing the wall.

After sometimes having seen a colony of ants climbing on the wall, I was alarmed. Hence promptly I rushed to the wall and removed all the ants.  Again I sat on my chair, took the book and  started reading but after sometimes again I looked on the wall, I perplexed to see climbing numerous on the wall. In a few moments they had been gathered at the corner of the wall that was diminishing the brightness of the wall.


I therefore determined to know the reason that’why I sat patiently in front of the wall with a cup of tea and started looking the ants. Hence I was bewildered to see the activity of the ants. How were they collecting  at the corner of the wall? I baffled because  with the blink of my eyes all were vanished. However when I saw few ants to go near a line then I stood up and found a crack. Seeing the crack on the wall although I felt gloomy but I found the reason and thought that all the ants must have gone in it.

The very next day I called a plumber to fill the crack; he filled the crack properly and made the crack smooth. However after few days again it was being appeared, the plumber again tried to fill it but could not give back its original smoothness and shape because ants had taken place and spoiling the beauty of the wall. After few days i saw many holes on the wall anf from them others small insects were also going in it.

I therefore wondered  because in our real life same thing happens and  a minor crack spoils  the root of any relation and give chance others to take place in it.

Moreover do not let anyone to come between you because they create misunderstanding for you and try to fill the crack with cleverness only for them. However it becomes wider for you. Hence it can never be filled even with your love and trust.

By: Shweta Jain