
The day I remember when my friend ‘four years son was diagnosed with leukaemia that was on last stage, Thus she was anguished and stunned to hear this news. In order to her son’s childhood was repressed before blooming. However somehow she gathered herself ,prayed to God for his speedy recovery and admitted him in a hospital. At that situation she needed support, affection to cope with that situation. However as soon as people and her family members came to know the news; they started criticizing and questioning on her upbringing instead of giving support her.


Moreover her son was admitted till one month and one day when  I visited the hospital and saw she was dying hundred times within a day to see his terrible condition. Hence she looked like a cactus with lots of thrones that were pirecing her motherhood.Even all the patients  were there, looking as they needed the warmness of love to survive.

When he got discharged from the hospital after a month, his appearance was looking like a moon, covering with the clouds and had been disappeared his brightness. He hence had become feeble and appearing skinny due to side effects of chemotherapy.

However he was glad to come back at home and needed a playful environment to get out from this condition. On the other hand he was disheartened to get the negligence attitude by his near and dear ones. In order to people made him and his parents feel wretch and helpless but inspite of being at a very young age he faced the entire problem with courage.


Furthermore cancer has become a cause of big problem even some kids are born with this problem and at the very early age their innocence and smile are supressed. Whenever a person is diagnosed with cancer, his/her life stops and they start back counting of their life. Despite of being under treatment, they succumb with this terrible pain.

In order to a child or elder one suffers with this terrible pain, we can give their life back by giving them love, affection and support. Thus we change their environment and make them busy with audio visual laughing programme and in any creative work; those will help them to be cured. Thus happiness and love give them strength and to tolerate the horrible pain and their deserted life may become fertile.

Hence love and happiness is the key to open all the locks those help us to overcome all the walls. Here love is not meant by romance but love means to pamper, to make them feel important and to make them feel happy as they can forget their entire pain and lead the life happily.

By :Shweta Jain




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