Monthly Archives: December 2014



It was a very cold morning. As soon as I opened my window, it seemed all the things, were looking disappointed as their liveliness had been vanished among the clouds. Even all the trees and shrubs appeared faded and looked colourless because they were shivering and dying from cold. Hence they were waiting desperately for a ray of hope that could fill colours in their life and enlighten their life path. After a long time although a gust of wind came and carried away all the clouds along with it but could not give them life. It removed the darkness but carried away the liveliness along with it. Therefore in a few minutes all the trees turned into sorrow because their leaves had fallen down and were spread everywhere. They wanted to get their beauty back but were felt helpless. Now the tree trunks were feeling lonely and looking depressed because everything had been spoiled in a moment. The water dews, falling on the leaves and trunks were appearing like their tears because they had been departed from each other. Although they were surrounded with sorrow but did not lose their courage and they were trying to console each other.


After a long time as soon as the sun rose up with its sparkling rays, they all got happy to see a ray of light that could illuminate their life and could help them to regenerate. It appeared that the rays were giving them a hug and guiding them to remove the darkness from their lives. The tree trunks that were desperately waiting to have a new life, were filled with hope and were trying to fill colours in their life. The scene was looking charming and giving me soothing effect because they all had got a new life.


Like nature people’s lives are also surrounded with sorrow which spoils their life but a ray of light and hope can remove dense darkness and enlighten their life. Thus if you are strong to face each and every problem, you can get your liveliness back and brighten your life.

By: Shweta Jain



Although since children’s birth time to their adulthood, parents take care of them. Their toddler activities from feeding to dropping at school make them feel comfortable because parents up bring them according to their wishes. As soon as children take step into a new age as a teenager, it becomes difficult to tackle them because they need more freedom. At this sophisticate age parents can convince them only in a friendly manner because their uncompromising   behaviour can create gap between them. Hence they are influenced by others. Parents should discuss daily schedule with their children and update themselves by reading magazine, surfing on internet according to time. Hence they can make changes in their children accordingly.

Moreover before reaching into their pubertal age, parents must let them know the physical changes whatever they will get. Between the age of 8th to 12th years children have a bunch of physical changes and create confusion in their mind. Although at each and every stage of their life children give importance to their looks, but at this age often adolescents give more attention on their appearance and want to wear funky outfits. Parents should purchase few decent dresses and focus on their looks that can make them smart and good looking. Teenagers suffer with acne problem that make them look ugly. Thus they feel embarrass to face their peers and their family members. At this stage parents should make them comfortable by giving them few beauty treatments. Furthermore at this delicate age they need some privacy. Though parents should not interrupt them but should focus on their activities and have trust in them. In some cases at very early age pubertal signs can be seen in children that make them feel conscious. At this young age parents especially mothers must clear their doubts by giving them proper explanation and make them aware. In addition to, much confusion is created in their mind to see the physical changes in their siblings and they are anxious to know. At this time parents can help them to get rid of their confusion by discussing with them regarding the difference between the male and female changes.

Due to being either working parents or spending time with their social circle, parents do not look after their children properly. Thus whether they leave their children alone at home or appoint a nanny for their upbringing. Sometimes at this situation children go into depression and try to harm themselves. Give children a friendly atmosphere at home and prevent them from going astray.

By: Shweta Jain




Generally people become disheartened when they feel humiliated and try to drag themselves into darkness. It may be either because of their appearance, their financial status or from any other reason. Often adolescents feel shy with their ugly physical appearance and feel embarrassed to face people. This situation make them non confident and affects their growth path. Sometimes societies try to make the people feel humiliated in the public by laughing on them and this situation creates a feeling of revenge in them.  Whenever you are in this situation, you must accept it as a challenge instead of getting frustrated and taking revenge.  You should make an innovative idea and work  very hard out to prove your capability. Your determination and confidence will help you to flush out this problem. However sometimes it is very common that people laugh at others only for fun.

Few years ago I and my friend got a chance to exhibit our paintings at Lalit Kala Academy in New Delhi. That time although I was having only 5-6 paintings and my friend had only 7-8 but we were very enthusiastic to exhibit them. We were embarrassed to see that the very next room was flourished with a number of beautiful Madhubani paintings. In other rooms enormous mesmerizing paintings were also exhibited by the artists. Hence we were very disappointed to see our deserted room with few paintings. As soon as visiting hours started, no one entered in our room. At last at the end of the day few people came and they wrote very disappointing words in feedback. We felt shameful but somehow we gathered ourselves and tried to do much better for the next day.

The next day also all rooms were looking crowded except our room. After a long time one visitor came and said to us in a very critic manner that your works are good but you both need to strive to be a good artist. Therefore we became depressed but planned to make a creative idea to make our exhibition successful. We started making few greeting cards as our room could look attractive. To attract the visitors towards our room we displayed all the greeting cards near the entrance of the room. Visitors were attracted towards the cards and they appreciated our work. In a few moments all cards were sold out. Now our happiness was in seventh happiness because after being so humiliated we made ourselves successful.

Thus we all are humiliated and feel neglected many times in the journey of our life but our determination to do something can throw it out from our life.

By:Shweta Jain






Girls play three roles in their life, a daughter, a wife and a mother. In earlier times when they were born, people felt regretted at their birth and they and their mother were symbolized as an ominous. They were not educated and even after getting married they used to spend their life around their household activities. They were also tortured for not having as much dowry as they were expected

Now time has been changed. Girls are being educated and they are more successful than boys in each and every field. Since the time of birth they are pampered. They are chirped like birds and spread their fragrance in the home. Parents start dreaming for their future. Although in some families still girls are symbolized as curse and are biased. When they take the first step of their life, people try to ruin their life by sexually assaulting them. At their beginning stage some girls are succumbed with this pain.

Moreover when they take step into their second stage of their life as a wife, parents give a farewell to their daughters with happiness and lots of blessings. But their parent’s heart is full of gloom and their life is cursed, when they are being abused due to getting fewer dowries. In some cases they are killed by their in-laws. At the beginning stage they face many difficulties to adjust themselves with a new family. In some families people have many expectations with them. If they are fail to fulfil, they are neglected.

In addition to when their life takes a new turn as a mother, they feel happy. They pass their nine months with many physical changes and pain but they accept all changes with happiness. They anxiously wait to have a first touch of their child. After completing nine months of their pregnancy when they deliver a baby, their life takes a drastic change. They up bring their child with lots of love and affection. However they get in big trouble, when their children neglect them and leave them in an orphanage. They spend their entire life with lots of sacrifices.


By: Shweta Jain



Time is precious because anything can be manufactured but if time passes, it cannot be regained.You should ask those people who have lost many things due to paucity of time. A student gets a failing result; a dying person needs only few moments to spend with his/her near and dear ones; a mother who delivers a premature baby. You should respect it; it can only make your life path easier. Whether you are a successful doctor, engineer or industrialist but you can only get 24 hours in a day not more than that. Proper time management makes you either successful or failure. People are successful not only due to their money power but also due to their time management. Those people who spend their time leisurely or adjourn their important moments, often go in trouble or sometimes go in danger of poverty. You should plan your daily schedule according to your priority of work. Sometimes despite of planning your work according to time, you fail to execute because suddenly you get any problem. You should get time for your family members from your daily schedule because you can  strengthen your relation by spending  quality time with them. Whenever you are spending time with anyone, you are giving them a part of your life.


Sometimes people besiege with lots of health problems because they often ignore them at a very initial stage. They are diagnosed when their body is captured by them. Moreover it is very common among everyone that we all ignore our important moments. I have also faced many problems due to lack of time;

After publishing my last blog, the very next day I planned to write my next blog but postponed it for a day and thought tomorrow I would write two but failed. The very next day I got sick with stomach infection and fever and could not write. I took two days to recover and then felt regret. This is a small incident that I faced recently.

Often we lose small incident because of no proper time management and feel regret.

By: Shweta Jain




When you go through your life, you meet a variety of people and want to make relation with them. They may be your friend, your colleagues, your neighbours or family members. We are successful to maintain healthy relationship  with only some people because of their good behaviour and kindness. However some people are selfish and use their relatives  only for their advantage. Sometimes in spite of having blood relation, we are failing to maintain them for a long life because of having  more expectations with each other and try to run away from their responsibilities. When they are failing to fulfil, it occurs differences in their relations and  it hurts very much. Nowadays people like to spend more time with friends and colleagues than family members because they feel more comfortable than family members.

Moreover if you want to have a healthy relation with family members, you should be open-hearted and try to ignore small mistakes. It  may create bitterness in your relation. This is my personal experience how a silly mistake can spoil your relationship.

I and my aunty who was just like a mother for me, were very close to each other. I usually  went to meet with her and always  used to give gifts to her. Once when I went to meet with her, I did not get anything from her,even forgot to get a box of sweets. That day She behaved with me in a very awkward way but I could not understand the reason. I tried to ask but she did not give me any response. After that she tried to ignore me many times but I failed to know the reason every time. Once I was shocked when she did not invite me in her daughter’s marriage. I said to  her daughter ” Tell me the reason.” She reluctantly told me the stupid reason. I was surprized  and thought that peoples are fake and do not have value of their relationship. Since that day our relation had been spoiled because of such a silly reason.

Relations should not be bound with anything except love, trust and friendship.


By: Shweta Jain





Since the movement is spread out to eliminate inequality between males and females by the Government. Youngsters as referred to adolescents, want to assert their individuality, give values to their peers and try to run away from the pressure of their parents as well as elders. At this sophisticate age they feel restlessness in them due to the strict behaviour of their parents or to have the physical changes. In this situation they easily mesmerize towards everything that surround them as: fashion, alcoholic drugs etc. They seek a group or companion with whom they want to feel at ease and they especially attract to opposite gender. If they have understanding with each other that may help them to efface their problems but if they attract to only physical appearance, it may ruin their life. Our culture and ethics are disappearing from the society and modern culture is easily taking place due to powerful media. Even traditional outfits and accessories are diminishing and people love to wear western outfits and feel happy to be known as modern. Those who are not ready to accept this culture are symbolized as backward.


Even during school life some are allured to this culture and readily across their limits but some are provoked by their friends. School children are often being seen having drugs and smoking and instigate in fake affair that may be spoiling their life.

A girl named Meera, was scholar in studies. She spoiled her life and career to be slaved of the modern culture. At the age of 16 she had an affair with a boy and she often used to make physical relation with the boy and started taking drugs. In the beginning she was happy with this dazzling lifestyle. After some times when the boy gets her out from his life, she had to lead a life as a victim.


It may be good to make changes in your life if you need to update yourselves to accept modern culture but often it may bring bad result if you adhere to it and be slaved. At this situation people often turn astray to build a relation with a fake person or get addicted to alcoholic drugs.


By : Shweta Jain